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Storytelling leadership is at the heart of my work, where the qualities of voice, knowledge, multiple intelligences and experience are embodied in the storytelling leader. Here are a select few organizations, resources and opportunities for advancing your knowledge about and skills in leadership, with a special emphasis on storytelling and other innovative story-based organization development (OD) techniques. It is not meant to be an exhaustive list but one that is representative of my personal journey of awareness and personal/professional growth. This links page also directs you to resources that focus on the individual’s search for meaning and purpose in the world.

Storytelling & Leadership

Storytelling Leadership
(www.ohiolink.edu/etd/view.cgi?antioch1147273596) is using story and storytelling to say what people have in their minds and hearts; to allow them to see something they’ve not seen or imagined before; to find hope and invite others to do the same; and to cause them to want to struggle for a shared aspiration.

The National Storytelling Network (NSN)
(www.storynet.org) is a non-profit member driven organization dedicated to advancing the art of storytelling – as a performing art, teaching aid, and cultural transformation process.

Steve Denning
(www.stevedenning.com/site/Default.aspx) author of The Leader’s Guide to Storytelling, offers a guide to delivering the right story at the right time.

Lynne Feingold
(www.storyatwork.com/about_us/about_us.html) is an innovative, artistic storyteller and one of the founders of GoldenFleece, a global community of practice devoted to storytelling in organizations and business, was a coaching partner during my Noble Purpose journey.

Heather Forest
(www.storyarts.org) storyteller and recording artist, was a source of inspiration during my doctoral studies.

The International Leadership Association (ILA)
(www.ila-net.org) is the global network for all those who practice, study and teach leadership. The ILA promotes a deeper understanding of leadership knowledge and practices for the greater good of individuals and communities worldwide.

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Daniel Goleman first introduced the 8th, Emotional Intelligence or EQ.
(www.eiconsortium.org) The Consortium for Research on Emotional Intelligence in Organizations’ initial mandate was to study all that is known about emotional intelligence in the workplace.

The O.D. Connection
(www.odconnection.org/?q=node/1) is dedicated to the strengthening and advancement of organization development theory and practice by providing forums for learning, professional association, and service for the Northeast Ohio Organizational Development Community and professionals interested in Organization Development. Narrative is among the frequent topics at the monthly meetings.

The Cleveland Coach Federation
(www.clevelandcoachfederation.org) promotes awareness of coaching to the community at large. They support and provide education, training and resources to practicing and aspiring professional coaches in helping them grow and enhance their professional skills.

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Story-based Techniques

The Circle Project
(http://37days.typepad.com/thecircleproject/ 2005/04/the_circle_proj.html) provides innovative learning experiences in communities and organizations by creating surprise, energy, depth, and relationship around difficult issues like diversity and inclusive leadership. They do so using story, theatre and experiential processes.

Future Search
(www.futuresearch.net/method/whatis/index.cfm) brings people from all walks of life into the same conversation - those with resources, expertise, formal authority and need. People tell stories about their past, present and desired future. Through dialogue they discover their common ground. Only then do they make concrete action plans.

Open Space Technology
(www.openspaceworld.com/literature.htm) is an approach to meetings of all sorts where participants share their questions, insights and inspirations. All who care about the issue(s) being discussed are invited and encouraged to share their stories in a collaborative effort to obtain substantive, sometimes surprising, results.

Story Corp(http://www.storycorps.org/about) an independent nonprofit whose mission is to honor and celebrate one another's lives through listening -- in recording the stories of our lives with the people we care about, we experience our history, hopes, and humanity.

Spirit of Leadership
(http://www.spirit-of-leadership.com/) is a unique adventure, through guided facilitation, coaching, training, seminars and retreat opportunities, into personal discovery and development.

The World Café
(http://theworldcafe.com/) is a specific conversational process that enables you to create welcoming environments in which new knowledge, new relationships, and creative insights can emerge, focused on the real life issues in your own organization or community.

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Meaning & Purpose

Noble Purpose
(www.noblepurpose.com/About-Noble-Purpose.html) is a book and it is a curriculum for those who are in search for more and want to make a contribution to and a difference in the world. There are six pathways to nlock the door to your gifts and talents.

Joan Southgate
(www.intheirpath.org) a storytelling leader, walked 519 miles of the underground-railroad when she was 73 years old. Her story and journey illustrate the four qualities of the storytelling leader. Her journey became a teaching program and subsequently a book, entitled In Their Path.

Restore Cleveland Hope
(www.restoreclevelandhope.org/index.html) is a non-profit organization seeking to make a difference in the Greater Cleveland area. In particular, they are supporting the establishment of an underground-railroad eaching center that will celebrate Cleveland’s courageous anti-slavery past.

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Gilliam Consulting
Karen L. Gilliam, MBA, Ph.D., CDE
P.O. Box 46220, Bedford, Ohio 44146