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Organization Development (OD) services, also referred to as “interventions”, vary by what problems are to be solved, who or what is to be changed, and how the change is carried out.

Problems to be solved are called diagnostic problems and may include issues regarding goals, plans, communication, culture, leadership, problem-solving, decision-making, conflict/cooperation, role definition and/or other matters.

The individual or group to be changed is called the focus of attention. Action plans can be developed for the total organization, intergroup (2 or more), team/group, a pair or a trio, role, person, or a combination of any of the aforementioned.

The way the OD service/solution/intervention is carried out is called the mode of intervention. This may be comprised of one or a combination of the following:

  • action planning
  • coaching
  • confrontation meetings
  • data feedback
  • individual/unit goal setting
  • large-scale technology/future search conferences
  • mentoring
  • open-space technology
  • performance-appraisal systems
  • problem-solving
  • process consultation
  • quality of work life
  • self-development of gifts & talents
  • survey feedback
  • third-party intervention
  • team building
  • training (education)
  • values clarification
  • world café conversations

Gilliam Consulting will customize services by:

The Seven Phases of the Consulting Practice



ENTRY - Getting acquainted with a potential client and discussing the client's concerns


CONTRACTING - Agreeing to what needs to be done, how and when it will happen, and how much it will cost


DIAGNOSIS - Conducting an assessment (observation, interviews, survey questionaire, focus groups) to determine key issues to addressed


FEEDBACK - Summarizing and discussing the assessment data with the client and others involved with the assessment


ACTION PLANNING - Planning a course of action based on the assessment data and the client's chief concerns


STRUCTURED ACTIVITIES - Implementing strategies which will lead to desired outcomes
Training where required, specific to developing needed knowledge and skills
Mentor and/or consult with in-house trainers and consultants to support & sustain the desired change and to prevent dependency on the external OD consultant


EVALUATION - Determining the degree of success of the strategies, identifying positive and negative aspects related to both the outcomes gained and the process used

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Gilliam Consulting
Karen L. Gilliam, MBA, Ph.D.
P.O. Box 46220, Bedford, Ohio 44146